Within Primer Auto Garage we provide automotive mechanic training courses. Under these courses, youth are recruited to acquire basic and advanced knowledge of Auto Mobile Mechanics. You can train on everything from simple engine systems to power and performance machines. This Mechanic Training course is intended to introduce you to the standard safety rules and tools you need to explore under the hood of your car. Our course concentrates further on adequate maintenance, allowing trainees to take excellent care of any kind of car.
Training Achievements
In Primer Auto Garage we have managed to enroll more than 300 trainees to develop the skills that they have received from VETA and the National Institute of Transport (NIT). Trainees have acquired various mechanics skills and provided the fundamental concepts for determining appropriate preventive maintenance requirements and other failure mitigation strategies. Trainees have good practical and problem-solving skills – every vehicle fault is a problem, and use their training skills to fix them. Also, some of the trainees have developed a lot by using skills and experience gained from your company.
Technology transfer through training
Normally, Primer Auto Garage Services Co. LTD is very much empowered by Toyota Tanzania by getting training from time to time training for its staff. Toyota Tanzania are Toyota vehicle distributor has very clear access to vehicle manufacturers where the transformation of technology to our technical team is easily fetched. Under the same channel, our team transfers the knowledge to vehicle users (Drivers), owners, and also to the youths through the school’s technical field programs. This is to say, that we have a very smooth technology transfer pipeline that updates our Tanzania markets and entities.